
From Ashes to Eternity

A classic global Old-/Middleschool Metin2 private server

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Welcome to Metopia

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Dive into a world that combines the classic old-school feel of Metin2 with a modern middleschool touch. We place great emphasis on preserving the original flair of the game and providing you with an authentic, clean gaming experience.

Key Details of Our Concept:

Explore familiar areas in a new light, fight epic battles, and become part of a passionate community. Fun is our priority – whether you want to relive the old days or discover the world of Metin2 as a newcomer, Metopia is your new home!

Your adventure begins here – are you ready to make history?

When Does the Server Start?

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We know how excited you all are – and trust us, so are we! Our team is working hard to make Metopia a unique experience for you. Quality is our top priority, and we want to ensure that everything is perfect before we open the gates.

The server is currently still in the development phase. As soon as we have a concrete date for the start of the beta phase, we will announce it here and on our social channels.

Stay tuned and follow our updates – together we will make Metopia an adventure like no other. We thank you for your patience and look forward to welcoming you to our world soon!

Your Metopia Team