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???? ?? ?? : 120
???: ??????? ???????
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Metin2Arione Pvm-PvP lVl Max 120

METIN2008 | Internatıonal OLDSCHOOL SERVER

???? ?? ?? : 99
???: ??????? ???????
??? ????????:

METIN2008 | Internatıonal OLDSCHOOL SERVER

Metin2008; first appeared in 2016 and has a professionalized structure over time.

Lunaris2 - Become a Legend

???? ?? ?? : 105
???: ??????? ???????
??? ????????:

Lunaris2 - Become a Legend

Oldschool - Hard PvM - Progressive content - Max. Level 105 - Attractive Quests - Free to Play

Pandora2 feeling of 2014 come back

???? ?? ?? : 105
???: ??????? ???????
??? ????????:

Pandora2 feeling of 2014 come back

Serverstart: 24.07.2021 Pandora2 aus dem Jahre 2014 ist wieder zurück komplett Original come back

Eos2 - The Fall of the Cursed

???? ?? ?? : 105
???: ??????? ???????
??? ????????:

Eos2 - The Fall of the Cursed

Oldschool Hard-PvM Server International brought to 2023 standards

Nostalgia2 - International - PvM Medium-Hard

???? ?? ?? : 115
???: ??????? ???????
??? ????????:

Nostalgia2 - International - PvM Medium-Hard

PvM Medium-Hard | International Server | Max Lvl 115 | Speed Server open 21.07.2023 | English | Romanian | German | Turkish | Polish

Odysseus - Oldschool International

???? ?? ?? : 99
???: ??????? ???????
??? ????????:

Odysseus - Oldschool International

Oldschool 2008 - NO Rings/Pets/Mounts/Costumes etc.

Infinity2 - The Legacy

???? ?? ?? : 105
???: ??????? ???????
??? ????????:

Infinity2 - The Legacy

Infinity2 - International Middlesc**ol

Rise of Vikings II - Oldschool International

???? ?? ?? : 99
???: ??????? ???????
??? ????????:

Rise of Vikings II - Oldschool International

Oldschool, Modern Systems, Max 99, 11 Languages, Exclusive Content, Reforged Quests and Items, Join us now and relive the old memories!

Metin2OldFunTimes PVM/PVP OldSchool PT/BR

???? ?? ?? : 105
???: ??????? ???????
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Metin2OldFunTimes PVM/PVP OldSchool PT/BR

Servidor feito para durar e se divertir jogando num passado do metin2 sem Lykon.

Metin2 Oldschool Server - ?? ?? ????

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- ??????? ?????? ????? (99-105) - ?? ???? ????? ????? - ?? ???? ????? ????? - ?? ???? ???? ????? - ?? ???? ????? ????? - ????? ?????/???? ????
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