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M2Kings 3.000$ Rewards Poo

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Type-Officiel
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M2Kings 3.000$ Rewards Poo

Metin2kings a pvm medium witk lvl 30 champion

Legacy2 | International | Middle School

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Mix
En ligne:

Legacy2 | International | Middle School

Metin2 Middle School | Maximum LvL 120 | PvP / PvM balanced Classes | No P2W | Multi language

Nexus - Gods of the Zodiac

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Type-Officiel
En ligne:

Nexus - Gods of the Zodiac

Middleschool, Professional Team, Unique Systems


Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Mix
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Va asteptam!

Metin2FightAround PvM Mediu International

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Type-Officiel
En ligne:

Metin2FightAround PvM Mediu International

Nivel Maxim: 120 International PvM-Mediu Mape Unice (Inclusiv Officiale) Sisteme Active 1:Dungeon Info 2:Battle Pass+Ranking 3:Biolog 4:Switchbot 5:S

M2Kings Rule the Realm, Rise as Kings!

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Type-Officiel
En ligne:

"M2Kings is a realm where power and strategy reign supreme. Each kingdom is ruled by a player-elected or battle-proven king.
