Meilleur classement des Serveurs Privés

Explose2 - The explosive downfall

Niveau Max.: 175
Genre: Newschool
En ligne:

Explose2 - The explosive downfall

Explose2 - Newschool - In Development

Esennmt2 New Era is comming

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Mix
En ligne:

Esennmt2 New Era is comming

Mid Hard 50/50 Server - Fight For The Crown

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Newschool
En ligne: - Fight For The Crown

Big international, PVM MEDIUM Server, A lot of different Systems, Best server in terms of comfort, Professional Team, Longevity guaranteed!

[NewStyle International] Dayan2 - The Rebirth

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Newschool
En ligne:

[NewStyle International] Dayan2 - The Rebirth

[NewStyle International] Dayan2 - The Rebirth of the Heroes - Liv. Max 120 - New Models 3D - New Map - World Boss

Noro2 | Legacy

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Mix
En ligne:

Noro2 | Legacy

Noro2 | Still in development

Aura2 - Let the Adventure begin!

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Mix
En ligne:

Aura2 - Let the Adventure begin!

Aura2 - Let the Adventure begin!

Undead Empire MT2

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Newschool
En ligne:

Undead Empire MT2

Let's Start The War

Haos 2 , the world of Chaos.

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Mix
En ligne:

Haos 2 , the world of Chaos.

Premium Maps and Runs,Modern game style combined with the classic one.

International Server | Modern OldSchool

Niveau Max.: 99
Genre: Oldschool
En ligne:

International Server | Modern OldSchool

International Server | Max. Lv 99 | Max. Eq 90 | A lot of QoL | Modern OldSchool| No Alchemy | Exp Bottle

NB2 - Server 2 - Atlantida

Niveau Max.: 105
Genre: Oldschool
En ligne:

NB2 - Server 2 - Atlantida

NB2 - Server 2 - Atlantida

Hertz - Opens 15-01-2023

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Mix
En ligne:

Hertz - Opens 15-01-2023

International server with alot of systems

Tuma2-International PvM Fun - Reborn

Niveau Max.: 120
Genre: Newschool
En ligne:

Tuma2-International PvM Fun - Reborn

Fun Server with a lot of PvP Content aswell. Multi-Language support available and a lot of weekly giveaways and prizes.
