Calliope - Fight to conquer the kingdoms


Calliope - Fight to conquer the kingdoms

Max Lv: 127
Serverstart: 2015-01-01

Calliope Global

  • Multiple beginner missions that provide you with the equipment you need to progress.
  • Dungeons from low level.
  • Many systems and commands for comfort.
  • Graphics and performance is far superior to regular servers.
  • Your store stays open 24/7.
  • From the search store page you can buy items from remote stores, from anywhere.
  • From the dungeons page you can see details about them, the waiting time of each one and you can teleport directly to them.
  • You can fly with mounts and level up pets.
  • Unique item reputation system.
  • Unique skull system (a kind of runes)
  • Multi farm-block that ensures that hackers do not exist on the server (making booting impossible and unprofitable)
  • Events every day surprise events. (various pvp and pvm events, some unique created by us)
  • Discord server where we do events not related to the game, only on discord.
  • Monthly events with big Coin prizes. (also includes Guild Tournaments)
  • Switchbot with adjustable speed that never skips bonuses with its own inventory.
  • Separate inventory for cards, gems and upgprade items with 5 pages.
  • Maps, quests, items, costumes, caves that don't exist on the regular metin.
  • Integrated and in-game wiki page containing everything you need to know about the game (dungeons, systems, drops, evolutions, quests, events)
Kommentare & Bewertungen
Posted: 31.08.2022
The seriousness is on another level. I strongly recommend the server at any time ! ^^ PVP PVM - everything u need gathered in 1 server ^^
Posted: 02.09.2022
Best server try it out
Posted: 03.09.2022
super zabavny seerver hned jsem ho doporucil kamaradovi parada
Posted: 19.09.2022
Posted: 10.10.2022
Good Balanced Server, you can play here for long time... <3
Posted: 16.10.2022
Posted: 20.10.2022
Muito bom o jogo, muito bem cuidado, ajuda bastante os iniciantes. Existe equilíbrio no PVP, dificuldade boa para conseguir os itens. Parabens recomendo
Posted: 01.11.2022
muito bom o jogo recomendo otimo jogo muito bem trabalhado parabens aos criadores
Posted: 02.11.2022
otimo jogo
Posted: 08.11.2022
this is a nice server where you can play single or with friends and cool

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