Rubinum - International MiddleSchool


Rubinum - International MiddleSchool

Max Lv: 120
Serverstart: 2022-12-16


Rubinum - International MiddleSchool - Max Lv. 120 - High QOL features - daily patches - content update 5.0 -

Kommentare & Bewertungen
Posted: 01.02.2024
Posted: 14.02.2024
good fawfwawfwjafawfhwhafawfwa
Posted: 23.02.2024
ı love this server. great job!!!
Posted: 03.03.2024
Posted: 11.05.2024
Rubinum would be the best middleschool server on the market in 2024 after Aeldra/Zeta has died out but to achieve this they need to start thinking with a player's mind and stop implementing unneccessary elements into the game. They did improve since launch but there's still room for it. I hope after saphirus they will figure out the capsule finally and get on the top.

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