Metin2 Zunis Revolution|Open Date 01-07-2023
Metin2 Zunis Revolution|Open Date 01-07-2023
Metin2 Zunis
This is a private server with a maximum level of 120 with medium rates, it is a new generation server with many systems with which you can have a unique experience. Our plan is to make a long-term stable server and we will try to always come with new improvements and updates, but to be able to succeed we also need your help which consists only of playing and being active on the server. I'll leave the rest for you to discover for yourself by playing the game and browsing our discord channels. We hope you enjoy it and stay with us on this journey that begins now.
Commenti e Valutazioni
Posted: 03.07.2023
i think im goona try it
Posted: 05.07.2023