Metin2-Destiny PVM MEDIU 127


Metin2-Destiny PVM MEDIU 127

Maks Poz.: 127
Start serwera: 2023-01-10


The Grand Opening of Metin2Gemini Server will unlock its gates on 08.03.2024 at 20:00 Romania time. The server is of the PVM Hard to Medium International type.

Classic Evolutions:

Triton Sword Battle-Inscribed
Normal Accessories-Beta
Of course, on our server, RMT (Real Money Trade) is Legal! For intermediation, you need a ticket from the ItemShop, and with it, a Staff member will assist you in negotiation.

The following Dungeons are implemented on the server:

Tower of Demons;
Catacombs of Devil Azrael
Baroness's Dungeon
Dragon's Den Beran-Setaou
Gates of Hell Razador
Nemere's Tower
Metin2Gemini Server features the following Systems:

Costume/Hairstyle System
Biologist with Quick Command on Minimap
Bonus Page List (C key)
Unique Offline Shop
Rapid SwitchBot
Search Shop
Multilanguage System;
Wedding System with Accessories
Special Inventory (quick key "U")
Challenges (On Minimap, you'll see that those who achieve certain things on the server first will be rewarded with MDs)

Komentarze i recenzje
Posted: 14.10.2023
Posted: 10.12.2023
top server / super staff 10000% recommended
Posted: 10.12.2023
Cel mai nostalgic server !
Posted: 10.12.2023
TOP100 Recomand!!!!!
Posted: 10.12.2023
Recomand! Este TOP serverul.
Posted: 13.12.2023
top server ! recomand

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