

Maks Poz.: 99
Start serwera: 2024-08-12


🎮 Antigua2 - A Unique PVM-Medium Server!

🔹 Difficulty: Medium, with a slightly challenging start. Max level: 99
📊 Rates:
📅 Weekdays: 50%
🎉 Weekends: 100%

🚫 What you WON'T find on Antigua2:
❌ No Alchemy
❌ No Scarves
❌ No Lycan
❌ No Talismans
❌ No Woni, Gaya, or Reborn systems
❌ No unnecessary features that slow down the game

🎁 What do you get at the start?
✔️ 9 items and accessories
✔️ Beginner Pack including weapon skin, hairstyle, costume with bonuses
✔️ Missions every 10 levels with attractive rewards

🏆 Progression and Drops:
📦 Dew, waters, and fish - only from chests, no classic production
🔥 Dragon Buffs, Crit, and Penetration - obtained directly from chests
📖 Skill Books - purchasable from NPCs or dropped. You can also craft Rainbow Stone or use MD vouchers from the website
🔮 Metin Stones & Bosses - contain valuable chests

🏰 Main Features:
📍 Teleport Ring - included in your inventory
🛒 Offline Shop:
✔️ Multiple slots available
✔️ Auction system
✔️ Maximum duration: 8 days
⚔️ Dungeons & Bosses: Azrael, Nemere, Razador, Baroness, Beran Dragon, Alastor, Evil Orc unique bosses like AkuBoku & King Wuba

👕 Exclusive costumes, hairstyles, and skins – obtained only through farming
🔬 Biologist Missions – accessible directly from the inventory
🎒 Special inventory – for upgrades, potions, and Enchant Add items
🐎 Starting Mount - directly Military, with the option to drop Normal, Premium, and Pet mounts with unique bonuses

🤖 AI System (BETA):
✔️ Automatically manages drops
✔️ Increases drop rates based on your activity
✔️ Customizable and easy to use

🎉 Active Events:
🌙 Moonlight Treasure Chest Events
🛡️ Hexagonal Chest Events
🎟️ Exclusive Prize Raffles
❄️ Extended Winter Event:
✔️ Costumes, hairstyles, weapon skins, and mounts obtainable through farming
✔️ Special drops: Snowflakes, Snowmen, Energy Fragments, Jewelry, Metin & Jack Tickets 🎟️

🛡️ Additional Benefits:
✔️ 4 inventory slots unlocked from the start
✔️ Auto-Sorting for a clean inventory
✔️ Item Deletion directly from the inventory
✔️ MD Vouchers – obtained through daily voting, boss drops, and time-based rewards

📌 Other Information:
🛠️ SwitchBot – included in your inventory
👨‍💻 Active Staff – always available for questions
🛡️ Max Evolutions:
✔️ Final Equipment: Possessed Armor & Triton
✔️ Strongest Weapons: Level 95 Weapons & King Armors – obtained through crafting, not evolution
💎 5 Stones - obtained from Dark Chest and upgraded to 6 without failure at the Legendary Blacksmith

🏆 The Secret to Success on Antigua2?
✔️ Dedication and time investment
✔️ Opening valuable chests
✔️ Efficient farming
✔️ Understanding the in-gam

Komentarze i recenzje
Posted: 24.07.2024
Cel mai tare server recomand tuturor
Posted: 24.07.2024
clasic si bun! fara sisteme nebune, sau alte chestii, recomand!
Posted: 24.07.2024
Serverul are potential, recomand deoarece nu are sisteme complicate, nu are esarfe,nu are lycan,nu are alchimie, evolutii clasice cu niste mounturi si costume si ceva Boost-uri pt Game atata! Din ce am inteles echipa lor lucreaza si acuma la el si au ales sa il deschida chiar de pe acuma! E stabil, nu are lag, are shopuri offline si e optimizat foarte bine.are potential daca continua asa cu update
Posted: 24.07.2024
bad server same files with metin2 romania not is old school and not is hard
Posted: 24.07.2024
@SoraLh it doesn't make any sense what you say there. Metin2 Romania is another server. This seems to be a mix Server with many changes. I have played this server is good, it really doesn't matter what sources it has as long as it is Good and doesn't have errors. My opinion is that it's a good start!
Posted: 24.07.2024
one old server is impossible have capes infinites...when play metin old school not have capes...and now capes inifnites? is very easy not is hard for examle the tittle...pvm hard...nahh
Posted: 24.07.2024
the server is okkkk, Not complicated, you need good items andd goo. EXP and gold is good, Nice start and good luck!
Posted: 24.07.2024
Ce aveti ma ca serverul e misto, joc pe el de cand au deschis cu Beta.E ok,si inca sunt in BETA cu update-urile .Nu e pokemon, nu are alchimie sau nush ce prafuri,E infinit astea de viteza si alea aparari atac, dragon da nu e problema asta.In rest e lite asa.Merge de inceput chiar e fain.5 stele dc nu!
Posted: 24.07.2024
Sincer imi place, e combinat asa, e mediu si daca stii sa iti faci itemele si astea e tare.Are cateva chestii la drop si pe la bossi nu au implementat pe toate drop da am inteles ca e cu update-urile si se rezolva.Staffu e prietenos, Nu sunt toti romani din ce am vazut.Tehniciana e coreeanca si nu intelege romana bine in caz ca doriti sa vb cu ea.In rest e ok serverul
Posted: 24.07.2024
Vrem mai multe costumee, am vazut ca ati facut update la cateva iteme si e super daca mai puneti mai mutle freze si costume ca sunt putine la drop va roggg. Recomand oricum srv,te distrezi si cresti bine si faci bani foarte ok..ce nu imi place la el ca nu iti da mount la inceput..dar e dropabil.In rest 5 stele

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