Afrodit2 The real 1-99 Oldschool Server


Afrodit2 The real 1-99 Oldschool Server

Nível Máx: 99
Abertura do Servidor: 2022-12-01


Afrodit2 is a classic oldschool version of the old known

  • 1-99 Hard Server
  • metins drops 1x Skill book and 1x Afro Coin for ingame exchange currency & other items
  • Standart oldstyle weapons, armor and equipment
  • no new systems, no dragon soul system, no fly mounts pets etc
  • bonus adder and switcher is dropable from metins and bosses
  • its a fukn hard server.

Have fun

Comentários e Críticas
Posted: 09.11.2022
oldschool is the best bro, when is the server start? you didnt write it???
Posted: 09.11.2022
thank you, SERVER START 01 DECEMBER 2022
Posted: 28.11.2022
Server start 02.12.2022 at 20:00 (UTC+1)! JOIN TO US and have fun! :D
Posted: 25.01.2023
super oldschool server

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