P-Server Top Ranking

Persia2 - Release The Beast

Max Lv: 120
Typ: Mixed
Online: 2 Monate

Persia2 - Release The Beast

| Big Content Update | Paid Host 1 Year | International Game | High quality middlechool server | Maximal Level 120 | Best PVM Server|

Dalhin2 : Ascend to Legend

Max Lv: 120
Typ: OffiLike
Online: 2 Monate

Max. Level 120 - PVM-Medium - International

WildStar2 - Open On 03.05.2024 20:00 EEST

Max Lv: 120
Typ: Newschool
Online: 2 Monate

WildStar2  - Open On 03.05.2024 20:00 EEST

| Big Content Update | Paid Host 1 Year | International Game | High quality middlechool server | Maximal Level 120 | Best PVM Server|

WILD STAR 2 - OPENNING 03.05.2024

Max Lv: 120
Typ: Mixed
Online: 2 Monate

WILD STAR 2 - OPENNING 03.05.2024

Big Content Update | Paid Host 1 Year | International Game | High quality middlechool server | Maximal Level 120 | Best PVM Server|

EoM2 EmpireOfMetin2

Max Lv: 120
Typ: OffiLike
Online: 1 Monate

EoM2 EmpireOfMetin2

EmpireOfMetin2-EoM2 Oppening server on 24-May-2024 at 17.30 UTC


Max Lv: 120
Typ: OffiLike
Online: 1 Monate

