Ranking Prywatnych Serverów

Tuma2-International PvM Fun - Reborn

Maks Poz.: 120
Typ: Newschool

Tuma2-International PvM Fun - Reborn

Fun Server with a lot of PvP Content aswell. Multi-Language support available and a lot of weekly giveaways and prizes.

Ashura is currently under development!

Maks Poz.: 150
Typ: Newschool

Ashura is currently under development!

Ashura is currently under development.

Phebia Global March 31, 2023 at 19:00 (CET)

Maks Poz.: 120
Typ: Newschool

Phebia Global March 31, 2023 at 19:00 (CET)

Server type is 1-120 but it is not boring official type. You will exactly feel the challenge. Additionall you can 7/24 Discord support from.

Atheria | International | Newschool | lvl 200

Maks Poz.: 200
Typ: Newschool

Atheria | International | Newschool | lvl 200

Newschool | lvl 200 | Chapters | Guild land

Sineria - 09.06.2023 die alte Nostalgie

Maks Poz.: 250
Typ: Newschool

Sineria - 09.06.2023 die alte Nostalgie

Sineria � Newschool Server � Max Lv 250 � alte Nostalgie � schaut rein


Maks Poz.: 120
Typ: Newschool


Updates about everything m2 pservers.

Conquer the World of RISING2 PVM Hard 99

Maks Poz.: 99
Typ: Newschool

Conquer the World of RISING2 PVM Hard 99

Conquer the World of RISING2 PVM Hard 99 – Your Ultimate Challenge Awaits!

Terra2-Fight For Glory

Maks Poz.: 105
Typ: Newschool

Terra2-Fight For Glory

In curand...

World of Metin2 is an international medium pv

Maks Poz.: 120
Typ: Newschool

World of Metin2 is an international medium pv

World of Metin2 is an international medium pvm server that brings a new look and a new game-play to Metin2


Maks Poz.: 250
Typ: Newschool


Deliner2 International New school

Avaria2 - Newschool 2023

Maks Poz.: 170
Typ: Newschool

Avaria2 - Newschool 2023

Avaria2 Newschool Server 2023

Metin2 Serwer Newschool - Co to takiego?

W?a?ciwo?ci Serwera Newschool

- Wysoki Maksymalny Poziom (200-250) - Wiele nowych systemów - Wiele nowych map - Wiele nowych potworów - Wiele nowych elementów ekwipunku - Nowe klasy - Szybkie poziomowanie/rozwój
Serwery Newschool Metin2 s? przeznaczone dla graczy, którzy chc? odej?? od starego znajomego Metina2 i zag??bi? si? w nowy ?wiat pe?en niesko?czonych mo?liwo?ci.