Mythesia2 | Break your Destiny


Mythesia2 | Break your Destiny

Max Lv: 120
Inicio del servidor: 2023-01-30


Mythesia2 is a middle school server with many features and new challenges. The server launch is scheduled for March 2023! Don't miss any news and visit our Discord Server. Server Start: 19.03.2023

Comentarios y Reseñas
Posted: 22.12.2022
Join us :)
Posted: 30.01.2023
Server online ?
Posted: 01.03.2023
Start 17.03.2023 :)
Posted: 12.03.2023
Posted: 14.03.2023 17.03.2023 Start
Posted: 15.03.2023
I have been testing on this server and must say, that i have never played on such an unfinished server before. I thought it would start in maybe 4-6 months, but here we are, one week later. Dont spend any money here guys. This will be a disappointment
Posted: 15.03.2023
@Scary You couldn't even test the server because we had a closed beta with only team members, so don't talk shit like that. Have a nice day
Posted: 15.03.2023
@Mythesia2 you should check the small "M" symbol next to your minimap, its cut out very poorly in photoshop (or probably paint). Its pretty square. Also Ive been on your server, you just dont know who i am
Posted: 15.03.2023
You might also want to check the icons to switch between the inventory/book inventory etc. They dont align and jump around slightly when you click on them Can give you some random vnums on some items if you want. Like the arwen costume m is 22320. Or the metin hammer is 48942. Dont call me a lier
Posted: 19.03.2023
Sad I cant give 0 stars, this is the worst pay2win you can find atm, you can buy literally anything you will ever need from the itemshop and become a top player in a matter of hours, if you decide to roll just be aware is not exactly cheap

¿Cómo calificaría este servidor??