

Max Lv: 99
Inicio del servidor: 2024-08-12


🎮 Antigua2 - A Unique PVM-Medium Server!

🔹 Difficulty: Medium, with a slightly challenging start. Max level: 99
📊 Rates:
📅 Weekdays: 50%
🎉 Weekends: 100%

🚫 What you WON'T find on Antigua2:
❌ No Alchemy
❌ No Scarves
❌ No Lycan
❌ No Talismans
❌ No Woni, Gaya, or Reborn systems
❌ No unnecessary features that slow down the game

🎁 What do you get at the start?
✔️ 9 items and accessories
✔️ Beginner Pack including weapon skin, hairstyle, costume with bonuses
✔️ Missions every 10 levels with attractive rewards

🏆 Progression and Drops:
📦 Dew, waters, and fish - only from chests, no classic production
🔥 Dragon Buffs, Crit, and Penetration - obtained directly from chests
📖 Skill Books - purchasable from NPCs or dropped. You can also craft Rainbow Stone or use MD vouchers from the website
🔮 Metin Stones & Bosses - contain valuable chests

🏰 Main Features:
📍 Teleport Ring - included in your inventory
🛒 Offline Shop:
✔️ Multiple slots available
✔️ Auction system
✔️ Maximum duration: 8 days
⚔️ Dungeons & Bosses: Azrael, Nemere, Razador, Baroness, Beran Dragon, Alastor, Evil Orc unique bosses like AkuBoku & King Wuba

👕 Exclusive costumes, hairstyles, and skins – obtained only through farming
🔬 Biologist Missions – accessible directly from the inventory
🎒 Special inventory – for upgrades, potions, and Enchant Add items
🐎 Starting Mount - directly Military, with the option to drop Normal, Premium, and Pet mounts with unique bonuses

🤖 AI System (BETA):
✔️ Automatically manages drops
✔️ Increases drop rates based on your activity
✔️ Customizable and easy to use

🎉 Active Events:
🌙 Moonlight Treasure Chest Events
🛡️ Hexagonal Chest Events
🎟️ Exclusive Prize Raffles
❄️ Extended Winter Event:
✔️ Costumes, hairstyles, weapon skins, and mounts obtainable through farming
✔️ Special drops: Snowflakes, Snowmen, Energy Fragments, Jewelry, Metin & Jack Tickets 🎟️

🛡️ Additional Benefits:
✔️ 4 inventory slots unlocked from the start
✔️ Auto-Sorting for a clean inventory
✔️ Item Deletion directly from the inventory
✔️ MD Vouchers – obtained through daily voting, boss drops, and time-based rewards

📌 Other Information:
🛠️ SwitchBot – included in your inventory
👨‍💻 Active Staff – always available for questions
🛡️ Max Evolutions:
✔️ Final Equipment: Possessed Armor & Triton
✔️ Strongest Weapons: Level 95 Weapons & King Armors – obtained through crafting, not evolution
💎 5 Stones - obtained from Dark Chest and upgraded to 6 without failure at the Legendary Blacksmith

🏆 The Secret to Success on Antigua2?
✔️ Dedication and time investment
✔️ Opening valuable chests
✔️ Efficient farming
✔️ Understanding the in-gam

Comentarios y Reseñas
Posted: 02.12.2024
o sa fiu cat se poate de sincer.Daca serverul asta de Metin2 va avea playeri mai multi, va ajunge nr1.De ce ? pentru ca nu e complicat, si nu are toate prostiile.Merita sa te apuci! Hai la blue si tu si va ajut cu iteme!
Posted: 02.12.2024
e top frate, baga update-uri la el la greu mereu pentru optimizare.Am 2 saptamani de cand joc si rupee serverul.Hai cu playeriii sa ne batemmmm pe regatul rosuu forta antigua !!!!!
Posted: 02.12.2024
numai primesti pachet de inceput din pacate, daca vreti sa intrati dati-mi PM Leo si va ajut cu iteme si bani! E tare serverul si recomand.Ma joc de 3 luni in continu si pot sa spun ca e foarte okk.Pe blue sa va bagati va rog ca va ajut.Au bagat costume atentie si skinuri noi.Farmezi pt bonuri si iti cumperi cu alea skinuri.E tare, e pvm mediu mai mult, iti tot ce ai nevoie si nu trebuie bani
Posted: 02.12.2024
foarte frumos, sunt multumit de serverul asta.Hai la galbeni. Top frate recomand
Posted: 02.12.2024
cel mai bun server din lume!

¿Cómo calificaría este servidor??