Ranking superior de Servidores Privados


Max Lv: 250
Tipo: Oficial-Like
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PvP Server, Max Level: 250, Max Stat: 125, No Alchemy, No Lycan

Vortexium2 - PVM SUPER EASY

Max Lv: 99
Tipo: Oficial-Like
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Vortexium2 - PVM SUPER EASY

Vortexium2 - PVM SUPER EASY, 99

Sparky2 Global 55-1000

Max Lv: 120
Tipo: Oficial-Like
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Sparky2 Global Opens on Friday, January 3, 2025 with its 55-1000 structure!

Arnor2 Global

Max Lv: 9999
Tipo: Oficial-Like
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New Guild System, Unlimited Level, Perma Item System, Skın System

Astaroth.Global - PvP Ultra Fun Level 255

Max Lv: 255
Tipo: PvP
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PvP Ultra Fun With Level 255 And Huge Bonuses Thousands of Armors Thousands of Weapons Hundreds of Effects Hundreds of Wings Skill Costumes Join Us !

Sakai2 - Reloaded | The reborn Legend

Max Lv: 210
Tipo: Newschool
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Max Level 210 (Update) | Great Client Performance | New Dungeons | Unique QoL | Concept Update | Active Serverteam

120lvlMt2 55-120 - Global - Newschool

Max Lv: 120
Tipo: Newschool
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120lvlMT2 55-120 - International - Newschool

M2Zeus Global 1-120 Real MiddleSchool Server

Max Lv: 120
Tipo: Oficial-Like
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1-120 Real MiddleSchool Server

Legacy2 - GM Server

Max Lv: 99
Tipo: Oldschool
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Legacy2 - GM Server

The server is an old-school GM server, where everyone is a GM, with limited rights to ensure that others' gaming experience is not disrupted.
