STONEBREAKERS + Metin Reinvented. 0 P2W


STONEBREAKERS + Metin Reinvented. 0 P2W

Max Lv: 90
Serverstart: 2024-10-25


Stonebreakers is all about recreating the essence of the classic experience. We wish to bring back the essence of the game that captured our hearts, all without the nuisance of pay-to-win schemes. Here, you'll find:

🚫 No Pay-to-Win: I believe in fair play and creating a level playing field for all. No shortcuts, just pure skill and dedication.

👗 No pay to win costumes, strictly cosmetic. They will be of high quality and not out of place.

🛑 What this server doesn't have:
• Lycan
• Generic Dungeons
• Out of place systems
• Item Evolutions
• Changers and Adders

🗒️ Short list of what to expect:
• New and revised maps for all zones
• New story and class balance
• New and remade quests with great rewards
• New itemization scheme
• New item attributes
• Item rarity and attributes based on it
• New bosses and dungeons in every map
• Reworked mechanics and polished gameplay
• All classes revised and playable ( without artifical mob damage )
• Mount Evolution System and Mount Skin Collection

Only thing you can buy on this server are cosmetics and VIP status that offer few quality of life features

Try it out, you have nothing to lose !

Comments & Reviews
Posted: 24.10.2024
Not even started Today so fck this fake Date
Posted: 28.10.2024
10/10 Server Pros: No p2w You can play any class u want. skill or hit play (skill on TOP) etc. Cons: Had a bad launch but they came back the next day stronger.
Posted: 28.10.2024
There is literally no pay to win in this server, not even the VIP status, that's just a quality of life thing more then anything, one of the best servers for real grinders
Posted: 31.10.2024
Nice Game and servar
Posted: 01.11.2024
Nr1 pbn sv asta no pay to win so e smecher rau
Posted: 04.11.2024
nice server smr gogu de nu e top foc
Posted: 04.11.2024
prea smecher smr asta chiar merita jucat
Posted: 05.11.2024
super fruos elegant
Posted: 06.11.2024
prea smecher smr asta chiar merita jucat
Posted: 12.11.2024
Cel mai tare server pe care am jucat !

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