Doragon The revolution of action!


Doragon The revolution of action!

Nivel maxim: 120
Deschiderea: 2024-07-20


Bun venit pe Doragon2. Un server ce combina modul de joc clasic cu cel modern, un game-play de tip PVM-Mediu, sistemele de pe server te va ajuta in evolutia caracterlor tale facand jocul mult mai usor. Un server new school, nivelul maxim este de 120, costume si frizurile au bonusuri aleatori inventar special pentru carti, pietre, iteme de upgrade, dar si bonusuri.

Comentarii și recenzii
Posted: 17.07.2024
Hi. I haven't been able to log into the game since this morning. The following information appears: Error connecting to the server. Is there any update? How long will it last?
Posted: 18.07.2024
Server is online. You have the network problem? Please verify your network connection. The server is located in Romania.
Posted: 02.08.2024
Pacat ca nu este populat, serverul este OK, il recomand.

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