Thalios2 - Oldschool - High Quality


Thalios2 - Oldschool - High Quality

Nivel maxim: 105
Deschiderea: 2025-02-14

Thalios2 - International

Thalios2 is a high quality oldschool server. We are international and offer a maximum level of 105.
It is not hard oldschool, but you should be willing to farm and level. Prove yourself and be the strongest in PVP and PVM.

Comentarii și recenzii
Posted: 28.01.2025
Thalios2 Hypeeee? :D
Posted: 14.02.2025
Gröste spaßten müssten auf fremde Discordserver um werbung zu machen für den müll server typisch tahalons

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