What are the different types of Metin2 P-servers?
Often it is very important for players to know in which direction a server goes. Is it an old school server, a mid school or a new school? These terms already say a lot about a server. But what exactly do these terms mean?
What is an old school server?
- often low max. level (99,105)
- slow leveling
- little new content
- achieving skills, switchers, uppitems is hard
What is a mid school server?
- pleasant leveling
- New features, maps, equipment, cosmetic items
What is a new school server?
- often high max. level (200 )
- fast leveling
- Many new features, maps or equipment
- high damage values
What is a mix school server?
- Elements of old-, mid-, new school servers
- it takes a long time to reach the end content
- pleasant leveling
- new Features, Maps or Equipment
What is a pvp server?
- The goal is pure pvp between players
- very few features
- often you start with a fixed level and hardly level up
- within a short time pvp ready character
What is an official like server?
- Concept is based on the official Metin2
- Features, maps, dungeons, equipment only slightly changed
- slower leveling
- achieving perfect bonuses, equipment or features (e.g. dragonstone alchemy) is hard
The story
When the first Metin2 P servers were found on the internet, these distinctions did not exist. The terms have evolved over time due to the mass of servers. One thing is clear. The official Metin2 is pay2win and is based on the fact that some things are very hard to achieve. Because of this, the first servers that resembled the official server in terms of speed were called old school. The good old Metin2 as we know it. Few new things, traditional maximum level, equipment, maps, etc.
Over time, more and more new things were added by P-Server developers. New maps, shinings, equipment, etc. Since they basically moved away from old school servers too much, they called them mid school servers.
At a certain point, so much time had passed that there were servers that had exclusively new things in the game and had very little to do with the old stuff. As the name implies, these were called new school servers. With new school servers you level up fast, have a lot of yang, explore a lot of new things and apart from the look, have little to do with Metin2 as you know it.
Nearly all Metin2 P servers are defined by these 3 terms and each category has its fanbase. But there are players who don't care what type of server it is, they just want to play a good server. We tried to describe what makes a good server in another blog.
But apart from that, there are still outliers that cannot be directly assigned to any of these categories. For example, it is possible that a server has a lot of new stuff, you level a bit faster, but takes a long time to reach the end. There is no common term for this, but it could be called mix school.
Another outlier are pvp servers, where the only goal is to have fast and easy pvp fun. Most of the time you start with a fixed level and have fun with the game only for a short time.
Our last point would be a subcategory of old school, which has found its place with the players over the years and that would be official like servers. Official like servers are simply servers that are almost identical to the official server, only slightly customized, i.e. you level faster, get switcher a little easier, there are other offers in the item shop, etc..
What type of player are you? Find your server with us, and maybe venture out other types, because the servers only develop through the players!