Ranking servere private

Age of Magis

Nivel maxim: 105
Tip: Clasic
Online: 15 luni

Age of Magis

Actualizare de conținut mare - Sisteme de înaltă calitate - PvP / PvM echilibrat


Nivel maxim: 999
Tip: Mixt
Online: 2 luni



Nivel maxim: 99
Tip: Clasic
Online: 1 saptamani


Valoria - MT2

Nivel maxim: 105
Tip: Clasic
Online: in 23 zile

Aegis2 - PVP Farm Server - Lv max 3000

Nivel maxim: 3000
Tip: Newschool
Online: 15 luni

PVP Farm Server - Lv max 700 ;

Astaroth.Global - PvP Ultra Fun Level 255

Nivel maxim: 255
Tip: PvP
Online: in 118 zile

With Level 255 And Huge Bonuses Thousands of Armors Thousands of Weapons Hundreds of Effects Hundreds of Wings Skill Costumes Join Us !

Metin2FightAround PvM Mediu International

Nivel maxim: 120
Tip: Clasic
Online: 3 luni

Metin2FightAround PvM Mediu International

Nivel Maxim: 120 International PvM-Mediu Mape Unice (Inclusiv Officiale)

M2Zeus Global 1-120 Real MiddleSchool Server

Nivel maxim: 120
Tip: Clasic
Online: in 39 zile

M2Zeus Global 1-120 Real MiddleSchool Server

M2Zeus.Global 1-120 Real MiddleSchool Server

Chaos Of Hunters II

Nivel maxim: 300
Tip: Clasic
Online: 1 luni

Chaos Of Hunters II

Chaos Of Hunters II Max LV: 300 -FISH FOR DC - FARM FOR DC - VOTE4DC - Every month update !
